Our very first systems in 1965 were chambered style UV for clean water. Our experience as a high purity metal fabricator and machine maker allowed us to re-configure stainless steel vessels that were being used for the NJ pharmaceutical manufacturing.
316L stainless steel welded vessels integrate heads with precision machined fittings, which allow for quartz sleeves to extend through the chamber and be sealed with a hand-tightened compression nut, washer and oring. Once all the quartz sleeves are sealed, the unit can be pressurized and when able to hold water pressure, the UV lamps are installed.
From the start, we integrated automatic quartz sleeve wipers that were pneumatically actuated to automate the cleaning process.
Like earlier Teflon based systems, chambered (in-vessel or in-line) were widely installed from 1985-1990 making up the majority of the installations. The limitations were that they maxed out at 1 MGD and required multiple units.
Larger flows required 100's of UV lamps and that lent itself to open channels. Unlike the early non-contact systems, chambered systems remained relevant and have had a 30+ run.
UV lamps have become more powerful. Lamps that were 80 watts are now as high as 800 to 1,000. This has allowed system footprints to shrink and for larger plants to integrate UV vessels. Systems capable of 6.0 MGD have been installed.
Lamps can be changed without draining the vessel or having to remove a module from the effluent. The nature of this closed vessel is that it will hold pressure and allows you to pipe to and from.
Chambers are low maintenance and integrate automatic quartz cleaning systems. This cleans the sleeves and prevents build up. It is the build up that fouls and plates to quartz sleeves and seen in open channels.
The water flushes the chamber out of any minor debris and the pneumatic wiper cleans the sleeves and the UV sensor.
System can be cleaned in place off line with a citric acid (baking) that can go to waste. This is used for installations that have heavy mineral content. chambered uv wastewater
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